What's Pure Happiness???

It's Pure Happiness is a blog of things I like, love or find inspiring.
It might be pictures, quotes, songs, books, products or foods.
Basically, it's things that make up a life of Pure Happiness.

October 17, 2013

Best Things In Life !!!

The 'best things in life aren't things' post is about appreciating non 'things' in life. Non material things. (And yes, I realise sometimes some of what I write could be classified as a 'thing' but its the idea that the best things aren't the material possessions).

1) When somebody bares their soul to you. They show you their very being and trust you with it. That feeling of awe and being honoured and humbled by their letting you in.

2) Realising that you have made a difference to someones life, for the better.

3) Seeing a family of little ducklings on the lake - so cute and so reminiscent of spring time.

4) That first bite of something you have been craving.

5) Those moments when you feel so self-conscious, giggly and embarrassed because someone has said something so lovely that all you can do is blush and giggle and you cant wipe the smile from your face.

October 16, 2013

Animals: Delightful Dusky leaf monkey

We've just been on holiday and seen some of these monkeys.
They were so gorgeous, and so amazing to watch.
When the babies are born they are orange, but this lasts only for a very short time.

You are enough !!!