What's Pure Happiness???

It's Pure Happiness is a blog of things I like, love or find inspiring.
It might be pictures, quotes, songs, books, products or foods.
Basically, it's things that make up a life of Pure Happiness.

February 05, 2011

Shall We Dance by Maggie Alderson

      I’ve just finished reading Maggie Alderson’s newest book, Shall We Dance.
This is a lovely book (if a bit predictable at times), which explores the various levels of relations – from mother/daughter, through to same sex and opposite sex friendships, sisters and relationships across age gaps.
The book is written from the perspective of LouLou and her daughter Theo, with alternating chapters from each one.
*spoiler alert* The story revolves around LouLou’s business (vintage dress shop) and her relationship with her daughter, which becomes complicated when LouLou starts seeing a young man, who is her daughters age. Theo also has her own issues throughout the story and almost has an unsuitable affair of her own. The insight into unexpected sexual attraction is an interesting reminder that we cant always help who we are attracted to (despite our conscience). They do both find ‘suitable’ men at the end of the book and it is all happily ever after.

Initially I found the chapters by Theo (a 21 year old) quite frustrating, as I felt the way it was written better portrayed a 15 year old whingey teenager, but this did improve over the course of the book. You just have to persist with it for awhile.

Despite being somewhat predictable at times, it is a lovely story and for anyone interested in fashion (vintage or modern) the setting in the world of fashion may add a little something extra.
This wasn’t my fave Maggie Alderson book, but I would still recommend it

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